For Product Safety & Copyrights

  • Please read the software usage guidelines before installing and operating the product.
  • All information, documents, product requirements may be altered without notice. The manufacturer does not assure any of the manual’s implicit contents.
  • The manufacturer only authorizes the use of the software All patents, copyrights along with all other intellectual property are held by ©OnePredict.
  • Please check for any issues in the included product.
  • For any problems while using the software, refer to the Q&A and Manual.

GuardiOne® is the registered trademark of OnePredict Inc.
This manual is literary work protected by copyright laws.
Any alterations, copies, distribution, translations, or conversions to machine-readable formats of part or all of the manual without prior written agreement with ©OnePredict is strictly forbidden.

Any part or whole of this manual may not be copied without the approval of Copyright© 2020, All rights reserved by OnePredict Inc.

Manual Information

This manual provides a user information guide for the GuardiOne® Transformer Software.

GuardiOne® Transformer Software is a cloud based asset performance management (APM) platform for the predictive maintenance of power transformer. As an integrated platform for transformer management, users an easy-to-use health management platform by offering gas analysis, fault diagnosis and prognosis features. On top of the existing rule-based (IEEE / IEC) diagnosis technique, the world's first DGA-based fault diagnosis, fault isolation, and prognosis service using artificial intelligence (AI) technology are ready for usage.

Applications: This manual is provided only to buyers of the GuardiOne® Transformer product. Based on the written contents, if other 3rd parties use the product instead of the company which has purchased it, legal responsibility lies on both the 3rd party and the product buyer.

Product Requirements

License Requirements: Only authorized users are limited to operate GuardiOne® Transformer after the action of purchasing it. . Any group can be responsible for the acts of using the GuardiOne® Transformer Software through unissued licenses. Legal actions can be taken and the responsible is on the users with operating the software illegally through unissued licenses.